Divorce, State Civil Apparatus, Solok City GovernmentAbstract
Government Regulation Number 45 of 1990, which amended Government Regulation Number 10 of 1983 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for State Civil Apparatuses, regulates marriage and divorce for State Civil Apparatuses (ASN). The terms, stages, and consequences of divorce for ASN are strictly regulated by these regulations. A cut in salary-based benefits is one result of a planned divorce. The Solok City Government ASN divorce rate will increase in 2022 compared to the previous year, as many as six cases. The purpose of this research is to find out how the Government of Solok City has implemented State Administrative Regulation Number 45 of 1990 and Government Regulation Number 10 of 1983 concerning marriage and divorce permits for state civil servants. This study examines problems and perspectives on ideas and behavior in social life using a descriptive research design with a qualitative methodology. In this research there are various stages in the data processing process, including data collection, data reduction, data storage, and data verification. The findings of this study indicate that the ASN divorce process in Solok City complies with all relevant laws. Every year there are ASN divorces in the Solok City environment, 2019 is the year that has happened the most. The reason is, ASN divorced in Solok City.
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