Optimalisasi dan Pengembangan Pariwisata Pasca Covid-19 di Kota Jambi
Pengoptimalan, Pengembangan, Pariwisata, Covid-19Abstract
This article aims to find out the government's strategy in optimizing and developing post-Covid-19 tourism in Jambi City. Tourism optimization and development are expected to be able to provide benefits, especially for the community. The tourism sector is a development sector in the economic field that has a significant impact on the country's economy. Optimization is a person's effort to improve or maximize one's goals with certain limits. Development is an effort that is carried out in detail and directed to make and improve so that it becomes better. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results showed that the government's strategy in optimizing and developing tourism in the city of Jambi after Covid-19 by conducting training for tourist villages and recording tourism objects in the city of Jambi. Tourism village training is an improvement in the quality of human resources. It has become a necessity in improving human resources and the training has been designed according to the needs to be achieved. There are 7 tourist villages that will be developed in Jambi City in increasing tourist visits, including Ekajaya Berseri Tourism Village, Ekajaya Empowered Tourism Village, Lake Sipin Tourism Village, Makalam Tourism Village, Umah Sinau Tourism Village, Buluran Range Tourism Village, Tanjung Sari Organic Tourism Village. Good Tourism Object Data Collection can determine the right strategy in optimizing and developing tourism in Jambi City.
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