Tanah Pilih https://shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/tpj <div class="page"> <p>Tanah Pilih (Journal of Local Politics and Government Studies) is a journal published by the Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Published 2 times a year in April and October. Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields;</p> <ol> <li class="show">Local Politics</li> <li class="show">Local Government System</li> <li class="show">Governance </li> <li class="show">Regional Development</li> <li class="show">Public Policy</li> <li class="show">Public Service</li> <li class="show">Conflict Resolution and Management </li> <li class="show">Customary Government</li> </ol> <p> </p> </div> Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan en-US Tanah Pilih 2777-1113 Optimalisasi dan Pengembangan Pariwisata Pasca Covid-19 di Kota Jambi https://shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/tpj/article/view/1392 <p>This article aims to find out the government's strategy in optimizing and developing post-Covid-19 tourism in Jambi City. Tourism optimization and development are expected to be able to provide benefits, especially for the community. The tourism sector is a development sector in the economic field that has a significant impact on the country's economy. Optimization is a person's effort to improve or maximize one's goals with certain limits. Development is an effort that is carried out in detail and directed to make and improve so that it becomes better. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results showed that the government's strategy in optimizing and developing tourism in the city of Jambi after Covid-19 by conducting training for tourist villages and recording tourism objects in the city of Jambi. Tourism village training is an improvement in the quality of human resources. It has become a necessity in improving human resources and the training has been designed according to the needs to be achieved. There are 7 tourist villages that will be developed in Jambi City in increasing tourist visits, including Ekajaya Berseri Tourism Village, Ekajaya Empowered Tourism Village, Lake Sipin Tourism Village, Makalam Tourism Village, Umah Sinau Tourism Village, Buluran Range Tourism Village, Tanjung Sari Organic Tourism Village. Good Tourism Object Data Collection can determine the right strategy in optimizing and developing tourism in Jambi City.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tessya Yunita Siregar Tessya Nuri Alfisyahri Copyright (c) 2023 Tessya Yunita Siregar Tessya, Nuri Alfisyahri 2023-04-16 2023-04-16 3 1 55 66 10.30631/tpj.v3i1.1392 Evaluasi Kebijakan Pengawasan Import Barang Bekas Di Kawasan Pelabuhan Pantai Timur Sumatera Provinsi Jambi https://shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/tpj/article/view/1320 <p>Regulation of the Minister Trade of the Republic Indonesia Number 51/M/DAG/PER/7/2015 concerning the Prohibition of the Import of used clothing, it is stated that imported used clothing is prohibited to be imported into the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic Indonesia. The East Coast Port area of ​​Sumatra, Jambi Province, is a potential area for trade in the import of used clothing, supported by the used clothing market which sells and buys clothes openly. The method used in this research is a survey with a qualitative approach. This study aims to analyze the implementation of policies and efforts made by the Regional Government in supervising the import of used goods in the Port Area of ​​the East Coast of Sumatra, Jambi Province. This study uses a qualitative method with the number of informants as many as 12 people. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, interviews and documentation studies.</p> <p> </p> <p>The results showed that the implementation of the Import supervision policy on the import of used goods in the Port Area of ​​the East Coast of Sumatra, Jambi Province was not optimal due to the lack of human resources stored at the KPPBC TMP B Jambi branch offices located in the area and there was still a stock of imported used goods sold on the market. What the Regional Government of Jambi Province has done to overcome the existence of ex-import traders in the East Coast Port Area of ​​Sumatra, Jambi Province has not yet led to solving problems through the cooperation of relevant stakeholders. Especially as an effort to equalize development.</p> Maulana Abdul Ghaffar Didi Tahjudin Novita Wulandari Copyright (c) 2023 Maulana Abdul Ghaffar 2023-04-16 2023-04-16 3 1 38 54 10.30631/tpj.v3i1.1320 FENOMENA KOREAN WAVE (GELOMBANG KOREA) PADA MAHASISWA (STUDI KASUS PADA MAHASISWA PERGURUAN TINGGI AL WASHLIYAH DAN MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS BINA BANGSA GETSAMPENA BANDA ACEH) https://shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/tpj/article/view/1422 <p>The Korean wave is a wave of Korean culture that is being widely discussed by the public, especially among students. The Korean Wave entered and developed in Indonesia, especially in Aceh in 2002 through the drama Endless Love. Then in 2012 it became very well known through the boyband and girlband phenomena. The Government of Aceh has established a cooperative relationship with the Government of South Korea since 2005, this cooperation is in the framework of promoting culture, customs, sports and improving the quality of education. This study aims to find out the views of students from Al Washliyah College and Bina Bangsa University Getsampena regarding the development of the Korean Wave phenomenon and its impact on students. The results of the study show that the development of the Korean Wave is currently growing, as seen from the widespread use of Korean fashion among students, students' interest in learning Korean, the ease of finding Korean specialties is also evidence that Korean Wave is very well known among students. This development is expected to continue to increase and expand, this is indicated by the increasing interest of students in Korean culture, as well as the many collaborations that have been established between the Government of Aceh and the Government of South Korea. The positive impacts of the Korean Wave for students include feeling self-loving, adding insight into Korean language and culture, motivating and providing encouragement, understanding modern fashion, and receiving entertainment. Meanwhile, the negative impact of the Korean Wave was that some students became lazy and wasted time, were wasteful, lacked socialization, were not sensitive to the surrounding environment and cultural imitation occurred.</p> Sri Kintan Tarsiah Erna Fitriani Hamda Ratna Dewi Saprijal Saprijal Copyright (c) 2023 Erna 2023-04-16 2023-04-16 3 1 27 37 10.30631/tpj.v3i1.1422 INCREASING CASES OF DIVORCE OF STATE CIVIL APPARATUS IN SOLOK CITY GOVERNMENT https://shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/tpj/article/view/1384 <p>Government Regulation Number 45 of 1990, which amended Government Regulation Number 10 of 1983 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for State Civil Apparatuses, regulates marriage and divorce for State Civil Apparatuses (ASN). The terms, stages, and consequences of divorce for ASN are strictly regulated by these regulations. A cut in salary-based benefits is one result of a planned divorce. The Solok City Government ASN divorce rate will increase in 2022 compared to the previous year, as many as six cases. The purpose of this research is to find out how the Government of Solok City has implemented State Administrative Regulation Number 45 of 1990 and Government Regulation Number 10 of 1983 concerning marriage and divorce permits for state civil servants. This study examines problems and perspectives on ideas and behavior in social life using a descriptive research design with a qualitative methodology. In this research there are various stages in the data processing process, including data collection, data reduction, data storage, and data verification. The findings of this study indicate that the ASN divorce process in Solok City complies with all relevant laws. Every year there are ASN divorces in the Solok City environment, 2019 is the year that has happened the most. The reason is, ASN divorced in Solok City.</p> Dana Mulanda Aldri Frinaldi Copyright (c) 2023 Dana Mulanda, Aldri Frinaldi 2023-04-16 2023-04-16 3 1 19 26 10.30631/tpj.v3i1.1384 Tanah Datar District Government Accountability in Presenting Information on Local Government Implementation Reports (LPPD) https://shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/tpj/article/view/1369 <p>The opinion of The&nbsp;Audit Board of Indonesia&nbsp;(Indonesian:&nbsp;Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik&nbsp;Indonesia) on the financial reports of the local government of Tanah Datar Regency for ten consecutive years has always received the reasonable without exception (WTP) predicate. The achievement of this WTP opinion cannot be separated from the commitment of all levels of the Government Tanah Datar Regency in managing and administering regional finances, which also can be displayed through the Regional Government Implementation Report (LPPD). LPPD is one of the obligations of the Regional Government as mandated in article 69 paragraph 1 and article 71 paragraph 2 of Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. This study aims to determine the accountability of the Tanah Datar Regional Government in presenting the LPPD information. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the local government's committed to promote good governance by preparing government reports in an accountable manner and presenting local government information which is published to the public in a responsible manner. The implementation of the accountability principles namely transparency, liability, responsibility, control and responsiveness has been going well</p> Kennywan Leo Arischa Aldri Frinaldi Copyright (c) 2023 Kennywan Leo Arischa, Aldri Frinaldi 2023-04-16 2023-04-16 3 1 11 18 10.30631/tpj.v3i1.1369 Kolaborasi Pemerintah dan Lembaga Kerapatan Adat 9 Lurah Koto Baru dalam Kegiatan Duduk Satu Syawal (Studi di Kecamatan Koto Baru Kota Sungai Penuh) https://shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id/index.php/tpj/article/view/1338 <p>This research was made based on the aim of knowing the Collaboration of the Government and Indigenous Institutions related to the activities of Sat Satu Syawal. Sitting one syawal is an annual or existing activity carried out in Koto Baru district, this activity is carried out as a form of gratitude for Allah's reward for successfully completing Ramadan. In this month of Shawal, the position and degree of the Muslims rise on the side of Allah Almighty because they have passed the month of testing and worship during Ramadan. It is believed that the naming Syawal was given to signify the time of year in which the female camel will conceive her baby. It is a symbol of new life and renewal after a month of spiritual cleansing. In this unites 4 elements, including traditional elements, government elements, ulama elements, and youth. This custom is used as a place for collaboration as an intermediary of customary conflicts and to be used as the identity of the Koto Baru District. In this study, it was found that the collaboration is still not running.</p> Andaria Dwi Utami Copyright (c) 2023 Andaria Dwi Utami 2023-04-16 2023-04-16 3 1 1 10 10.30631/tpj.v3i1.1338